Taking Care of God’s Temple

Taking Care of God’s Temple

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought with a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” (1 Cor. 6:19-20 NIV) Maintaining good health can be a real...

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Celebrating 250 Years of Baptist Witness in Canada

Celebrating 250 Years of Baptist Witness in Canada

2013 marks a milestone in Canada as we celebrate 250 years of Baptist witness in Canada. Imagine what life was like then when 13 church planters from Massachusetts arrived at Slack's Cove, NB and would plant what we know as Middle Sackville Baptist Church. And imagine...

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Springforth 2013 – Run The Race

Springforth 2013 – Run The Race

Hundreds of youth and leaders from across our Convention traveled to Moncton, NB on May 10-11, 2013 for an annual youth event, Springforth, which focused on the theme “Run the Race”. This event is a highlight for many youth and has a rich history of changing lives for...

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The Common Good

The Common Good

I’m sitting in the Montreal airport, on my way home after three weeks on the road. I’ve been in Cuba for two and a half weeks with the CBM 2013 Praxis team (a scholarship program for Canadian Baptist seminary students) and then at an interfaith conference at McGill...

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