The Finance department provides oversight to the finances of the CBAC in keeping with the budget adopted by delegates at our annual Assembly (OASIS). We offer resources and programs that benefit pastors and churches, and information to help church treasurers fulfill their role.
Resources & Programs
For Pastors
- Employee Assistance Program – Please call 1-866-289-6749
- Pension & Benefits
- Atlantic Baptist Foundation – Personal Savings Accounts
For Churches
- Ethical Fundraising and Financial Accountability Code
- Baptist Church Insurance Program: Offered through Palmer Atlantic and Ecclesiastical Insurance.
- Furnace Oil Discount for CBAC Churches:Offered through Irving Oil. Call 1-888-310-1924 ext. 3480 for more information.
- Pre-Authorized Debit for Churches: The CBAC can facilitate Pre-Authorized Debit for your local church, enabling your members to do automated regular giving.
- Employee Assistance Program – Please call 1-866-289-6749
- Pension & Benefits
- Planned Giving
- Grants from the Atlantic Baptist Mission Board
- Atlantic Baptist Foundation – Church financing options
For Treasurers
- 2025 Treasurers Handbook (PDF). The Treasurers Handbook is prepared to help local church treasurers efficiently and accurately fulfill their responsibilities. The handbook also contains guidelines to help Search Committees and Boards of Deacons establish fair compensation packages for their pastor.
- Treasurers Newsletters (PDF) – Changes for 2024 and 2025
- Canada Life Administration Guide (PDF)
- Canadian Centre for Christian Charities. Treasurers may find it helpful to access resources available on the website for the Canadian Centre for Christian Charities. If your church is not a member you will be able to learn more about the benefits of becoming an affiliated member.
- Monthly Remittance Form (PDF) or Monthly Remittance Form (Fillable PDF) . This form is used for contributions to the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada and our shared ministry (formerly called “United in Mission”) and for supplemental contributions to the following:
Church Employee Finances
- New Employee: When a new employee meets the eligibility requirements for the Pension and Benefits Plan, complete the enrollment forms (PDF) and return to the Benefits Coordinator within 30 days of eligibility.
- Confidential Information Sheet (PDF). This form must be sent into the Benefits Coordinator as soon as there is a change in salary. Canada Life requires the Total Salary figure to calculate the Long Term Disability premium. Once the form is received and calculated by Canada Life the adjustment in premium will be billed back to the church. If a member has to go on Long Term Disability, they will receive 67% of the last reported salary.
- See other resources related to Canada Life Pension & Benefits
CBAC Donor Restricted Gift Policy
Spending of funds is confined to CBAC approved programs and projects. Each contribution directed toward an approved program or project will be used as restricted with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met, or cannot be completed for any reason as determined by the CBAC, the remaining restricted contributions will be used where most needed.