SKIP TO AssociationsRegions
An Association is a voluntary group of local Baptist churches from the same county or from several adjacent counties. They affiliate together primarily to share in ministry in their local area. Common areas of cooperative ministry includes hospital and other chaplaincies, camping ministry and other forms of outreach. When a local church joins the Association in their local area they become part of our family of churches. Currently our CBAC is made up of 20 Associations.
New Brunswick
- Albert Association
- Miramichi-North Shore Association
- Northwestern Association
- Queens-Sunbury Association
- Saint John-Kings Association
- Southwestern Association
- Westmorland Kent Baptist Association
- York Association
Newfoundland & Labrador
- Newfoundland & Labrador Association
Nova Scotia
- African United Baptist Association
- Annapolis-Digby Baptist Association
- Cape Breton Association
- Northeast Nova Baptist Association (formerly Colchester Pictou)
- Cumberland Association
- Eastern Valley
- Halifax Association
- Lunenburg-Queens Association
- Shelburne Association
- Yarmouth County Association
*Note – In 2017, the Antigonish-Guysborough Association closed and the churches of that Association joined the Colchester-Pictou Association and was renamed the Colchester-Pictou-Guysborough Association.
Prince Edward Island
A Region may include several Associations from a geographical area.

Regional Representatives
Region 1: Southwestern, Saint John-Kings Associations – Rev. Dan Sentner
Region 2: Northwestern, York, Queens-Sunbury Associations – Rev. Linda Perrin
Region 3: Miramichi-North Shore, Westmorland-Kent, Albert Associations – Rev. Brock Symonds
Region 4: Prince Edward Island Association – Rev. Dr. Alexander Scott
Region 5: Newfoundland and Labrador, Cape Breton Associations – Mr. Paul House
Region 6: Cumberland, Northeast Nova, Halifax Associations
Region 7: African United Baptist Association – Rev. Dr. Elias Mutale
Region 8: Eastern Valley, Annapolis-Digby Associations – Rev. Andrew Conrad
Region 9: Yarmouth, Shelburne, Lunenburg-Queens Associations – Mr. Sandford (Sandy) Hood