We work to come alongside pastors and leaders to care for, connect, coach, and resource them so they are hopeful and effective in their role of leading their congregations.
SEE ALSO Connect in your area

Pastor Clusters are small gatherings of 6-12 pastors meeting in-person or virtually at least four times per year.
We want to ensure that each CBAC pastor has the opportunity to be part of a significant, life-giving pastoral cluster. You may already be part of a “cluster” in one form or another – if so, great! But if not, or if you would like to be part of a new cluster, you are invited and encouraged to join!
More about Pastor Clusters
These cluster communities would covenant to meet a minimum of four times per year (ex. October, January, March, and May). Clusters could take a variety of forms and occur in any number of settings, but a primary purpose of these clusters will be to foster friendship, trust, and connections. While the hope is that pastors can together wrestle with contemporary realities of ministry – both positive and negative – the success of these clusters will rest in their first-and-foremost being safe, fun, and relational gatherings that pastors will hate to miss.
To help us know your degree of interest in being a part of such a Cluster – or indeed, if you are already in a cluster – would you please take a few more minutes to answer this brief survey.

Pastor Hubs are larger gatherings inviting all pastors from an Association or region once a year.
We will meet for 2–2.5 hours in the morning or afternoon, typically at a church. Our goal is to have a hub within a 90-minute drive for 80% of CBAC pastors.
Our first hubs are taking place through March and April 2025, please consider attending one as you look at the schedule.