CBAC Team Connectors
The CBAC Team is eager to serve leaders and churches well. As part of our vision of hope-filled connections for coaching and care, we have CBAC Team Connectors.
Our CBAC Team Connectors are here to guide you to the right people, networks, and resources so you can thrive and have hope in your leadership situation. They will connect you to whatever is best given your situation—it may be another CBAC Team member, an experienced pastor who has been in a similar situation, a template resource, or much more. Your Connector will help ensure you have the coaching and care you need for hope-filled minstry.
You’re welcome to contact any of our staff, but the connector for your province will be especially aware of things in your area.
Local Pastor Connectors
CBAC Local Pastor Connectors are highly regarded pastoral leaders within their own geographic areas. Local Pastor Connectors:
- Make individual contact with pastors within their geographic regions
- Make themselves available to pastors seeking encouragement or support
- Initiate, on a yearly basis, a gathering of pastors within the area