Resource List
Some items in our resource list will only be visible to users who log in as a website member.
NOTE: Our resource list is continuously being updated and refined.
Church Documents
Prayer Link
Many churches print the weekly Prayer Link in their bulletins, include it in church emails, or mention it during worship services.
Transfer of Membership
Licensing for Ministry
Church Records
Planned Giving
Church Life Reports
Each year, CBAC churches are asked to submit reports that help our office understand how to serve our member churches better. Contact information is used to update the contact information in the online Find A Church tool and church directory. Statistics are published online in the Yearbook. You can complete your Church Life Report here.
Likewise, Association reports can be found here: Fillable PDF or DOC
Church Incorporation Templates
The journey towards incorporation has a number of benefits, but it can be costly and difficult to navigate. The CBAC has sought the knowledge and expertise of our lawyers to help draft a template to make the process easier.
The laws regarding incorporation vary from province to province. Below you’ll find packages of guidelines for New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland and Labrador.
When you click on the link below, choose “save” instead of “open”. Alternatively, right-click on the file and choose “Save Link As…” The files are compressed in ZIP format for easier downloading. After you download them, you will need to extract the files to a new folder, then you will be able to open the files individually.
Ministry Resources
Safer Church (Youth & Family)
Nothing can ever be 100% safe 100% of the time, but we must take important steps to become safer. We believe in a world that is looking for safer places your church needs to be a place where kids, teens, parents and the vulnerable feel safer. Here are a couple of ways you can do that.
To get you started we offer a sample child abuse response and prevention policy. The policy is the more legal document that you need. It is the broad strokes of what you are committing to do as a church.
However, beyond and in addition to the policy, the church still needs a PLAN on how they will make their church and programs safer for children, youth and the vulnerable in their care.
Due to the fact that each church is unique – they have unique ministries, different commitments, different boards and various configurations of staff & volunteers – rather than offer a sample protection plan we offer to guide you through the process of create a plan that is tailored to your church and what you and your people can reasonably agree to do in your context.
Basically, one of us would be willing to come and, in an evening or afternoon, get you started on writing your own plan that works for your church. We’d introduce you to the process of becoming a safer church, take you through looking at one of your main children/youth programs to show you the process of assessing the risks of that program and then come up with the measures you’ll agree to take to make it safer and then outline the rest of the steps you’d need to take to create your own specific, workable plan for your church. It is the best way to go up with a PLAN that makes your church safer.
If your church is interested in having our help in the process, simply let us know.
CARP Roadmap
Justice & Advocacy Resource Library
Refugee Sponsorship
Financial Resources
Church Planting
For more information about any of this, please contact Kevin Vincent.
New congregations have energy, passion and momentum that drive them forward! Studies reveal that new congregations reach new people far more effectively than existing congregations. So whatever options are on your list to reach and serve your neighborhood, consider starting something NEW and multiplying your congregation.
We have identified three main tracks:
New Church Plants
Is there a neighbourhood in your area, region, or city where you need to consider planting a brand new congregation? Is there a neighbourhood where you can multiply and add an additional site/congregation? For example, could you become one church in two or more locations?
Two models:
- Traditional church planter starting something brand-new, most times with a sponsoring congregation.
- Multi-site model. A church identifies a new neighbourhood that needs a healthy church and initiates a new site, with a site pastor to lead that congregation.
Re-Plants of Existing Congregations
Are you a church with a wonderful history but is stuck and needs a complete relaunch? Are you in a strategic location but the congregation has dwindled? Would your church consider kneeling in a posture of humility, placing EVERYTHING on the table with a “whatever it takes” attitude, and re-planting the congregation in the same way that those who originally planted it did?
Two models:
- Independent Re-Plants: Much like a new church plant, these churches are existing congregations that choose to re-launch with new vision.
- Missional Mergers: Two or more churches that recognize that in this new day, they can be better together and choose to merge into a new congregation.
New Kinds of Churches
Is there a creative expression of “doing and being church” that you have been considering? A creative environment to reach out to millennials? An inner-city food bank or clothing depot that has developed a sense of community and has become, in fact, a “congregation”? New Canadians that have settled into your neighbourhood and are longing for community? A café for artists and artisans with a sense of Christian community? We are only limited by our imaginations! Creative and imaginative experiments in communities all over Atlantic Canada must become our habit! Some will gain traction. Some won’t. But we’ll learn from them all.
A New Kind of Church is a creative, expression of “church” (dinner church, café church, house church, etc …). Most times it is “tethered” to an existing congregation. Interested in considering launching a “New Kind of Church”?
Please consult with an accountant and/or a lawyer for the province and situation-specific information for issues related to setting up CRA numbers or closing a church.
Some of the resources/workshops that our CBAC Team are able to offer include:
- Assessing Your Church’s Health
- Transitioning Your Church to Increasing Health
- Understanding Your Core Values
- Developing Your Church’s Strategic Vision and Objectives (making use of Discovery and/or Natural Church Development)
- Resources on Evangelism: Alpha, Lifeworks, Becoming a Contagious Christian
- Taking Aim at Leadership: Lay Leadership in the Local Church
- Seminars for Deacons, Trustees and other Church Leaders
- Ministry of Mediation or Arbitration: Help When the Church is in Conflict
- Developing the Art of Gracious Disagreement
- Help for the Church Looking for a Pastor – Pastoral Transition Process
- Holistic Biblical Stewardship
- Growing Financially Healthy Congregations
Audio / Visual
Looking for help with your audio and video equipment?
- Art Hiebert, Clarity Sound Solutions – Ph: 902-668-2020 ; Email:
- Peter MacLean – Ph: 1-800-263-7639 Ext. 316 ; Email:
- Stewart Naylor, Canon Canada – Email:
- Canon cameras and other equipment to enhance your streaming and recording potential
- Epson projectors – special pricing for churches
Pastoral Resources
Ministry Regulations & Accreditation
Permission to perform Marriages & Policies
Common Expressions (AKA "A Manual for Worship & Service)
Common Expressions is a new version, released in 2021, of the former Baptist Minister’s Manual (also known as “A Manual for Worship and Service”).
This e-book is available in digital format for $10. Click here to order your download
Pension & Benefits
Employee Assistance Program
GoodLife Fitness Offer
Save with $0 enrollment & 30% off all membership types. View the program flyer for details.
Contact Cheryl Ann Beals for a registration number to enroll.
Cell Phone Plan
- CBAC pastors (any pastor currently serving credentialed with the CBAC or not, all credentialed pastors serving, in between churches or retired)
- Paid church staff (secretary, janitor, etc)
- Spouse of the pastor or staff
For more details on how to enrol, contact plan administrator, Andrew Myers.
- For eligibility and other questions: Andrew Myers, CBAC (506-635-1922 x105; )
- For renewals and hardware upgrade: Nadine Barnett, Audacity Wireless (506-851-9502)
If upgrading hardware, don’t forget hardware code listed in the PDF proposal that will be sent to you by Andrew Myers.
RightNow Media Free Offer for CBAC Pastors
RightNow Media is offering CBAC Pastors free personal access to their service. Download the flyer for more info and how your church can access a discounted subscription.