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Youth Nation of Greater Moncton

January 12, 2010

Youth Nation

I stood at the front of our “Youth Nation” rally on Dec. 1st and began to speak. Something was different. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but the atmosphere was apart from most other youth rallies I’ve been a part of. I am attempting to give these youth God’s perspective on the work that they have done. Every eye is on me and their attention is focused. It seems that they have come to this rally not with the attitude of “entertain me” but “lead me.” Let me back up a bit and explain the whole story.

Earlier in 2009, a number of youth pastors from across Greater Moncton came together to see if there was any value in working together. We decided that if we were going to do anything, it had to be something that we could do better together than we could do alone. We decided that the thing we can do better together is serve. The thirteen churches involved decided to find some local ministry to bless. Teen Challenge emerged to forefront of our discussion because we realized that all of our youth are affected in some way by drugs and alcohol. Teen Challenge is a faith-based program that works with people who have drug and alcohol problems. After meeting with Remy, the Teen Challenge coordinator for Atlantic Canada we found that they were in need to a tractor and snow blower for their center in Memramcook. So here was the plan. Each youth ministry would fundraise within their groups and we would bring all the money together on December 1st for a rally to celebrate. We called ourselves the Youth Nation of Greater Moncton.

So, each youth ministry went to work raising money. Some groups put on dinners, others sold cookies and pies and some did odd jobs for money. One group even gave up the rest of their youth budget for the year to give to Teen Challenge. Another group did a polar dip and a talent show to raise money. Each group put their whole heart behind raising money for Teen Challenge.
Not only did we spend our fall blessing Teen Challenge but, Teen Challenge blessed us! Throughout the fall, Teen Challenge visited each of the youth ministries involved with “Youth Nation” and spoke of the dangers of drugs and alcohol. When they visited the youth groups, you could hear a pin drop as these guys gave testimony to the work that God had done in their life.

When we came together on Dec.1st, only a few of us leaders knew how much we had raised. After taking up another small offering that night we counted the amounts that everyone raised and found it to be about $11,500! What a powerful moment when Remy and the whole Teen Challenge crew accepted the cheque! Remy went on the explain with tears in his eyes that Bremner Farms had heard what we the Youth Nation of Greater Moncton were doing and donated over half the cost of a tractor and snow blower! They had the tractor parked out front as the youth came into the rally but nobody knew what it was for. God had multiplied the efforts of the Youth Nation in Moncton, for every dollar they raised it was worth two! After accepting the cheque with thanks the Teen Challenge guys led us all in worship as a response to the great God that we serve.

When I spoke that night, I told the youth that God was proud of them. In fact, He was probably bragging about them to the angels and Satan much like he did for his servant Job. Their attention in that moment seemed so focused because they had been faithful servants all fall and they were waiting to hear from God. God is certainly moving in our young people across our city.

This winter, the Youth Nation of Greater Moncton is going to serve their global community. We are partnering with the World Vision 30 Hour Famine to raise money for the less fortunate people of our world. More churches have been added to our thirteen last fall and we are excited for what God is going to do. Wouldn’t it be great if the Youth Nation of Greater Moncton were known for building and orphanage or a school in a less developed nation? Stay tuned for those details. If you would like to join the Youth Nation of Greater Moncton, please contact Brent Foster at [email protected].

– Submitted by Pastor Brent Foster


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