One of the highlights of Springforth is the graduation of the volunteers that have completed their studies in the Youth Leader Training Program (YLTP). This is a 14 month program that is designed for youth leaders to help them gain some basic training for their work in youth ministry.
Classes are primarily made up of volunteer youth leaders who commit to attending six Saturday teaching sessions where they will hear from nine different instructors. Courses include: Understanding Youth Culture; Evangelism & Discipleship in Youth Ministry; Children’s Ministry as a Foundation to Youth Ministry; Programming & Mission Tours; Leadership Development; Family Based Youth Ministry; History and Theology of Youth Ministry; Young Adult Ministry; and the Power of Relationships.
This year we are excited to graduate 6 students. These students were part of a class that began in September 2010 at Bayers Road Baptist Church. As we presented them with certificates of completion, we continue to pray for them that God will use this training to help them achieve the mission to which they have been called. We pray that lives may be changed and youth will be led to Christ through their example, witness, and commitment to youth ministry in Atlantic Canada.
The next YLTP class is scheduled to begin in September in Nova Scotia. If you’d like more information about this Program or would like to register please contact Jacqueline Derrah.