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Soul Detox Anyone?

March 5, 2014

cross-sunsetI woke up this morning thinking about Lent and it occurred to me that Lent could be a time of soul detox. To “detox” the body is to go through a “treatment designed to rid the body of poisonous substances” (free online dictionary). A “soul detox”, I would define as a process designed to rid our souls of poisonous substances, better known as sin of all kinds. A time when I stop and allow God to show me how polluted my soul really is. A time to get a reality check on the real status of my relationship with God, not just my usual “things are good between me and God”. A time to be quiet and listen to what God has to say to me. Listen to what my soul has been trying to tell me. To detox in biblical language is to consecrate and to purify. It is to separate from anything that would prevent us from entering God’s presence.

Lent is a period of 40 days (not including Sundays) when we can prepare for Resurrection Sunday (Easter). We prepare to journey with Jesus to the cross and beyond. We prepare by allowing the Holy Spirit to consecrate and purify us. Lent invites us all to mature in our relationship with God and to deepen our commitment to follow the way of Jesus. In our busy chaotic lives, Lent provides us with an occasion to become aware of our destructive patterns, to see where we are keeping God out, to feel our heart ache for freedom, and to hear our soul’s cry for God. We are then able to enter into heartfelt sorrow and confession, repentance and relinquishment (letting go of). Lent offers the opportunity to come home to God from the far country. Lent is an invitation to grow closer and deeper into the Father’s love for us by accepting his forgiveness and grace. We are then freed to take that love to others as part of God’s mission to the world.

It is hard to be aware of how toxic and polluted my soul is, but such awareness is the breakthrough for greater freedom and new life. It is a journey I must take.
Lent starts today, Wednesday, March 5th and ends with Holy Week and Resurrection Sunday.

Soul Detox Anyone?

Lent is a time to be alone with God in prayer, solitude and silence, but it is also a time for spiritual community and spiritual conversation. It is a time to explore and express what our lives in Christ really mean to us. I encourage you to gather one or more people to journey through Lent with. You could meet in person, on facebook, skype or over the phone to pray and share your Lenten journey. You could also keep a Lenten Journal of your journey. There are also a number of Lenten devotionals. Let the Spirit lead you!

If you would like to have a spiritual conversation or get more info contact me at cherylann.beals@baptist-atlantic.ca.


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