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Simpson Lectures 2016

January 20, 2016

simpson-lectures-2016Each year, Acadia Divinity College hosts a lecture series in preaching and practical theology for pastors and students. February 8-11 @ Acadia University or online. Guest speaker is Dr. Anna Robbins.

Throughout the past century, the Christian church in Canada has become accustomed to proclaiming the gospel in a nominally Christian culture. The church defended traditional cultural norms, even when there was no scriptural basis for such norms, and the culture supported certain religious norms even when the majority of the population had little more than a nominal faith.

At the same time, local congregations have developed their own cultures, which are often quite different from the cultural experiences of those living in their communities. Cultural expectations within congregations make the church a foreign experience for those who do not share those cultural values, and make it almost impossible for many Christians to understand their more secular neighbours.

The rapid rise of secularism and pluralism leads to practical questions for local churches today: How do congregations engage the culture in effective and Biblical ways? What do we learn from Jesus and from the early church about engaging culture? How must church culture change? What examples in Atlantic Canada provide guidance?

The 2016 Simpson Lectures will focus on practical ways for the church to engage the culture. The daytime program will provide participants with opportunities to wrestle with important local issues.

For registration and full details click here: http://www.acadiadiv.ca/simpson.


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