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Saint John Baptist Hospital Chaplaincy

December 13, 2017

Did You Know?
Rev. Mark Leary, Saint John-Kings Association Hospital Chaplain, makes approximately 5000 visits annually to patients, families and staff at the Regional and St. Joseph’s Hospitals in Saint John, NB, presenting the Gospel and offering hope through Christ. Many patients come from all across New Brunswick to receive specialized care not offered in other hospitals. Mark is also involved with weekly in-hospital church services and is available for speaking engagements at your church.

A Brief History of Saint John-Kings Association Baptist Hospital Chaplaincy
This ministry began in an unofficial way through the interest of Dr. D.S. Calkin, who was for many years minister of Waterloo Street Baptist Church. Because of his close proximity to the hospitals, as well as his own personal concern for patients from various locations in the province, he contributed a considerable amount of time and effort to this work.

Dr. Alex Crowe was appointed the first full time Baptist Chaplain in 1966. Until 1969 his salary was provided in part by Main St. Baptist Church and his time was divided between that church and the chaplaincy. Then in 1969 support for the chaplaincy was assumed by the Saint John-Kings Association, which in turn solicited support from various Baptist churches in the province as well as the Convention. Over the past fifty years the vision has burned brightly in the eyes and ministries of chaplains such as Dr. Alex Crowe, Rev. Dennis Vienotte, Rev. Ted Britton, Rev. Randy Fawkes and Rev. Mark Leary.

A Present Day Concern
Should you become a patient in hospital, be sure to state to the admitting person that you would like a visit from your Baptist chaplain or minister. Patients that are admitted are only coming to the attention of the chaplain 50% of the time. If you would like to see clergy during your stay in hospital, then it may take a request on your part.

How Can You Get Involved?
Your prayer support for our chaplain is vital for this ministry. Mark deals with all aspects of sickness, death and grieving on a daily basis. This can be a very heavy burden. Drop in and visit Mark at the hospital or send an email of encouragement to or you can telephone his office at 506-648-6013.

You can also make a chaplaincy donation in memory of a departed friend or loved one at your local funeral home. Chaplaincy donations can also be mailed to: Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada, PO Box 6003, Moncton NB E1C0V7

Chaplain Witnesses Miracles
The Hospital Chaplain has witnessed firsthand many miracles of God. Patients who were paralyzed have walked again. Patients who were in long term comas, have woken up. Many patients who were not expected to live, pulled through. Some patients who had lost all hope found renewed strength. The greatest of all miracles though, is when a patient finds salvation through faith in Jesus. Thank you for supporting this wonderful, very important and vital ministry.

“I was naked and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.” Matthew 25:36

Submitted by Rev. Mark Leary and the Saint John Kings Association


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