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Rural Churches Partner for Bolivia

October 18, 2012

New Heights New TusketTwo rural CABC churches have come together in a partnership with Canadian Baptist Ministries (CBM) and with the Bolivia Baptist Union in the STEP Program (Serving, Training, Energizing Partnerships). New Heights and New Tusket Baptist Churches in the Yarmouth Association in Nova Scotia have agreed to commit time and resources to a three year partnership with Baptist churches in Bolivia.

STEP is a global discipleship program that allows churches to become a direct partner with church partners in different areas that CBM is serving around the world. The opportunity is there not only to commit financial resources but they will be able to develop a deep and lasting relationship with a church partner. It becomes a lesson in integral mission that can transform the local church here at home and internationally.

The two churches are not only beginning a new fellowship with each other but are also now preparing to send a team of 10 people to Bolivia in January 2013. The team will consist of 7 adults and 3 youth who will be working in and around the city of Cochabamba, Bolivia. Please be in prayer for the pastors of these churches (Rev. Craig Minard and Rev. David Cawley) as they lead their congregations into this partnership. Also pray for those preparing to go and for the Bolivian Baptist Churches as they minister to the Bolivian people. You can see more information and follow along with our Mission Trip by visiting our churches web sites (New Heights Baptist – www.newheightsyarco.com; New Tusket Baptist Church – www.newtusketbaptistchurch.ca) as well as CBM’s website (CBM – www.cbmin.org/cbm/who-we-are3.

Picture – Linda Naves (CBM), Geoff Hodgson (New Heights) and Jonathan Thompson (New Tusket Baptist Church).

– Submitted by Rev. Craig Minard

CBM is a ministry partner of the Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches.


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