Home 9 Latest News 9 Responding to the Ukrainian Crisis

Responding to the Ukrainian Crisis

March 3, 2022

As the situation in Eastern Europe worsens, we know many of our churches are asking how they can support the people of Ukraine. We’re thankful for Canadian Baptist Ministries and their close ties with the network of Baptist churches in Ukraine and Eastern Europe.

CBM has advised us that the best way for us to respond is by praying for those impacted by this conflict and by sending donations to support the immediate needs in the area.

Please note: We ask that donations for Ukrainian relief efforts NOT be given through our office or online donation page. Please donate through Canadian Baptist Ministries.


CBM is accepting donations and releasing funds to support the response of the European Baptist Federation and the Ukrainian Baptists—they have set up a page for their Crisis Response efforts where you can get updated prayer items and make online donations. We invite our CBAC family to participate by giving. We’ve been given to understand that sending financial donations is a much more effective aid effort than sending supplies to Eastern Europe, due to global shipping challenges.

CBM is joining a coordinated response through the European Baptist Federation (EBF) with a total budget of over $2.4million USD, and partners who are utilizing these funds in Ukraine, Poland, and Hungary.

One of the most pressing needs is caring for refugees and internally displaced people who have fled the conflict. As churches give to CBM, they are directly supporting relief through local churches in Eastern Europe.

In Poland alone, the total number of refugees has now exceeded 1,000,000 people. We know there are churches in Poland who are taking in large numbers of refugees fleeing Ukraine, and we’re thankful for those congregations—many of whom are Baptist—who are serving God in this way.


We also echo CBM’s calls for prayer:

  • Pray for the people of Ukraine – for those in shock at this sudden and violent violation of their country – that they will be able to seek safety and know the comfort of God’s presence.
  • Pray that peace would flow through this country and through this region and that together we would walk the path of peace.
  • Pray for Baptists in the region, as they prepare to use their churches as safe havens and emergency supply distribution points for those fleeing. Please pray that God gives them wisdom in an ever-changing situation.
  • Please pray for a peaceful solution to this conflict, which follows on from eight years of violence in the Donbas region. Pray also for awakening in the hearts of people, for them to come to Christ.
  • Please pray for those affected by the conflict no matter their nationality or religious affiliation.
  • Pray for Christians throughout Ukraine, that God would protect them and use them to care for their neighbours during this time of fear and insecurity.
  • Pray for wisdom, grace and peace from the international community as it assists the Ukrainian people.
  • Pray that God will redeem this tension by drawing many people to himself and that Ukrainians and Russians discover that Jesus is the only true source of peace, safety, comfort, truth, and freedom.
  • Pray for a culture in which political disagreements do not lead to hatred or violence.
  • Pray for families, especially those families that have members on opposite sides of the border, and that love for one another will supersede political problems.
  • Pray for children and other vulnerable people to be kept safe.
  • Pray for the coming days, that there will be enough food, money, fuel and resources in the country for ordinary citizens.
  • Pray for those who are fleeing across the country, that their paths will be clear and they have places to rest. Pray also for neighbouring countries, some of whom have already begun preparing to receive refugees – that they will welcome and care for those who choose to flee across borders.
  • Pastor Igor requests that we pray for his fellow pastors to “keep believing that God will be glorified”.


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