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Oasis 2013 Recap

September 5, 2013

oasis-2013-hands-raisedOasis 2013 was one to remember! We are blessed as the CABC family to have the opportunity to come together and celebrate what the mission God has called us to be a part of here in Atlantic Canada. We were pleased to welcome more than 700 registered attendees and numerous visitors.

Even though Oasis didn’t officially start until Friday, Aug. 9th, we kicked things off the day before with some pre-Oasis events that developed out of the idea that people would be arriving on Thursday and should we offer them something. So we started with a pastors forum in the afternoon that quickly filled up and overflowed with more than 100 in attendance. Clearly pastors are looking for opportunities to learn, ask questions and grow. Oasis-2013-AUBAThe evening program was hosted by the African United Baptist Association. Our expectations of 150-200 people were shattered by more than 400 people who gathered to celebrate and worship. An amazing mix of mime, spoken word, dance and song were offered in praise to God for these gifts and in celebration of our diverse CABC family.

Friday morning and afternoon we had devotionals by Dr. Anna Robbins (ADC) and Dr. Bruce Fawcett (Crandall U). Both of these began our Family Business sessions. Here we discussed our budget, passed motions for the General Operating Bylaw and Pension & Insurance Bylaw, and as well Dr. Peter Reid’s call as Executive Minister was extended for another 5 year term. We do recognize that these sessions are not appealing to everyone and can seem long and drawn out. We’ve made significant strides to streamline these sessions while giving people a voice in the process. Fortunately this year business was brief and ended early. We give thanks to God for continuing to supply our needs as we pursue God’s mission for His church here in Atlantic Canada.

After making the trip to Berwick in the driving rain Friday evening, 1600 people from Oasis & Tidal Impact gathered for TI2013’s closing rally. It was very exciting to hear how God had used our youth to impact each other and the communities they were sent into through mission projects and the food drive. They raised over 28,000 lbs of food for Feed NS (equivalent to over $44,000 worth of food). Simply amazing! Way to go Tidal Impact 2013!!

We were blessed to have been led in worship by Dan Bremnes & Band (thanks Tyler from Miramichi, Juan from Columbia, James from Haiti and Dan from BC). Truly gifted musicians offering their gifts in honor and praise of God, the giver of these gifts. Thank you for sharing with us.

Speakers Dr. Peter Reid & Dr. Lennett Anderson powerfully shared with us a message from the Word. Dr. Reid spoke about “Mission Ignite” and shared our mandate as the CABC. oasis-2013-peter-reid“The gospel always includes the proclamation of the Word, the demonstration of justice and the compassion of God.” “Our mandate is to support what our churches are doing and in some places to be a catalytic agent.” “We want to empower our churches in these three ministry essentials: to Impact Leaders…we Infuse Culture…and Ignite Mission.”

Dr. Lennett Anderson took two sessions and spoke about “Raised Expectations” particularly as it relates to raising our expectation of what God will do in our churches. oasis-2013-lennett-anderson“We cannot afford to be stagnant or stuck.” “The church is meant to be a movement not a monument.” “All should be able the table…All that the Father has given. Who’s at your church? Who’s at your table? It’s 2013!…This culture needs to know Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” “If you’re really going to infuse this culture, invite those that have never been to the Master’s table.” “There’s still room.”

We were excited to introduce Andrew & Courtney Glidden as church planters in the uptown Saint John. Check out their video here: http://vimeo.com/73058703

You can still order the audio and/or video from the main speakers available to order. Contact Chris at Express Duplication (click to email) or phone 1-877-435-1100). Please note because of technical issues Anna Robbins’ recording did not turn out. We apologize for this.

Thanks to the generosity of Canadian Foodgrains Bank and Canadian Baptist Minstries, we enjoyed Steve Bell in an afternoon concert and a more intimate concert at the Oasis Cafe as a late night option.

Of course we are blessed to have a superb Oasis Kids/Youth leaders and programs to offer families. Special thanks to Jon Dixon (Oasis Kids), and Robin Burley/Patrick Brightman (Oasis Youth) and their helpers for an amazing job caring for and leading our kids & youth. We are blessed to have leaders willing to pour into the next generations.

2013 marks 250 years of Baptist witness in Canada. To think that Baptists began here with a couple of different groups in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia in 1763. We put together a video that briefly shares what happened in these areas back then (see below). We have much to celebrate as a result of the faithful believers that planted churches 250 years ago.

Here’s a link to our photos on our Facebook page (you can view even if you don’t have a Facebook account – https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151542761896441.1073741827.243047016440&type=1&l=b795fd4c4c

So much happened that is difficult to capture in a recap article. We hope you will join us in 2014 at Crandall University in Moncton (Aug. 21-24)!

Below is a recap video, 250 Years video and The Gliddens’ video. Enjoy!


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