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Springforth Breakfast at Norton Baptist

April 7, 2011

Springforth Breakfast at Norton Baptist

Every year students from Norton Baptist get excited when information for Springforth comes out. High school and middle school students just love the whole event and everything that surrounds it. They also know that when the information comes out it is also time to host their annual Springforth Breakfast.

Every year, in late March or early April, the students and leaders get together to plan and host a breakfast for the church, their families and whoever else can come. The youth provide the breakfast and service and we ask our guests to make a donation to help defray the cost for the students going to Springforth. The students really love it (with the exception of getting up so early on a Saturday) and appreciate the support they receive.

This year, despite an early April snowstorm, there was a great crowd of supporters and students. The breakfast buffet of pancakes, sausages, toast, & fresh fruit was a hit with everyone. Through the generosity of our breakfast guests and church our students will be able to attend Springforth with at least half of their registration covered. Getting up early, setting up, cooking, cleaning up, it’s hard work, but well worth it to be a part of a great event like Springforth.

Submitted by Rev. Wayne Murphy


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