Home 9 Latest News 9 Church Stories 9 Moving Forward in Faith (Part 2)

Moving Forward in Faith (Part 2)

February 19, 2013

hillsborough-baptistTime is quickly moving ahead. These are very exciting days at Hillsborough Baptist as we experience the reality of the good work God prepared in advance for us to do. As followers of God, saved by Jesus’ sacrifice, led by His Spirit desiring to do nothing less than the will of the Father we have come to a season of tremendous change and great challenge.

I see four major changes happening at HBC. They are the Natural Church Development process, becoming incorporated as an organisation, the move to a new site and facility and the deepening of our prayer experience. This article is about incorporation.

The second major change is the process and outflow of becoming incorporated. Ministry in our current cultural milieu requires us to be “wise as serpents and harmless as doves”. We live in an increasingly litigious society with growing hostility toward the Christian values and principles Canada was primarily based upon.

gavelBeing incorporated leads HBC into a new area of thinking about how we deliver our ministry in our church, community and world. It means calling our boards, committees, volunteers and staff to a higher standard of excellence in many ways. Over the next few years we will need to implement changes to policy that will affect the way we do things.

Please understand, the why we do what we do has never been more clear! God’s calling upon us is to be salt and light, ambassadors of His grace and disciple-making followers of our Lord Jesus Christ. We have heart-wrenching situations in our Church, Community and World that are the result of the work of our enemy and his web of deceit. God has given us His divine weapons to demolish these strongholds. Some of the policy changes are intended to remove potential natural barriers that keep people from experiencing the fullness of God.

Watch for part three next week!

Submitted by Rev. Tim Johnson, Senior Pastor, Hillsborough Baptist Church
Part 2 of 4 (Read Part 1 here – https://atlanticbaptist.ca/news/moving-forward-in-faith-1/)


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