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Monday Musings

September 29, 2014


  • 26 – the number of grade 12 students this past weekend at Potential Impact under the leadership of Renée Embree our Director of Youth & Family. Such great hope and potential in these young leaders. Pray for them as they each discern how God has equipped them and to what task He is calling them to.
  • 4 – the number of Acadia Divinity Students who took time off from a busy school/work schedule to drive teens. Pray for them and the Acadia Divinity community as they continue to sharpen leaders and be sharpened as leaders.
  • 40 – the number of teens from clergy families that gathered on PEI for Link under the leadership of Adrian Gardener, Associate Director of Youth & Family. So grateful for these youth to have a place to kick back and bond. Pray for our clergy families.
  • 9-1-1 – the number that we have chosen to use to indicate that we as a denomination are in a critical and vital times. On Sunday & today the CABC senior staff will meet with ADC leadership to discern what steps lay before us.
  • 26,000 – the rough attendance number this past weekend of our CABC family.
  • 20 – the percentage of the conversation I picked up when Greg Jones and I had the opportunity to spend time with our brothers and sisters in the Edmunston/St. Anne area. Despite the language barrier it was a rich blessing to be some of our Francophone leaders. Pray for them in these days as the harvest is plentiful but the bi-lingual workers seem to be few.
  • 5 – the number of Moose I saw this week, fortunately (for me – not so much for them) this time they were in the back of trucks or trailers and not the side of or middle of the road.
  • 1988 – (don’t hate on me for this one) the year of this weeks top 40 countdown on the 80’s radio station Friday night as I drove home late from Potential Impact. Most appropriate song from the list was Tracey Chapman’s ‘Fast Car’, best song was Phil Collins ‘Groovy Kind of Love’ . . . close competitor was Rod Stewart’s ‘Forever Young’. Gotta wonder how Bobby Brown & George Michael ever sold a record . . .
  • 9 – the number of my highway exit to home. My prayer for you is that whatever road you travel this week may it lead you back to your home exit. And when you arrive make every effort to communicate to those who live with you there that they are cherished beyond anything else in the world.


New CBAC Website Launched!

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