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Link 2013 Recap

November 22, 2013

link-2013-group-300pxLINK 2013 confirmed my suspicions — clergy teens are awesome! As we gathered at Camp Wildwood this year for our annual retreat weekend, teens from ministry homes brought with them the enthusiasm, joy, and sometimes the antics that make the LINK weekend an event to savour long after it is over.

This year we admitted Rev. Joanna Doak into our select circle of PKs (pastors’ kids) as she brought the creativity of Chameleon Jo Productions to us, causing us to reflect on our relationship with God. Jo had written “I Know You” (a twist on Ps.139) especially for us, and her insights into how God views us were a powerful reminder not to let the world tell us who we are, but to rest secure in the love of our Heavenly Father. She ended it with these words: “I wish you could see how often I think of you. You make me smile :) I have seen you and I know you! – God”.

Throughout the weekend, the happy buzz of voices could frequently be heard as youth and leaders spent time together painting, playing games, chatting in the corner with the comfy chairs, playing music, and even breaking out with the rhythm of the cups and drums. The relaxed atmosphere allowed for friendships to deepen and gave time to slow down from busy lives. Once again the Variety Show proved to be a popular way to demonstrate the amazing talent of this group. Worship time, small groups, a camp fire, and night games filled out the schedule. A special word of thanks goes out to the dedicated young adults who came as leaders this year! As PKs themselves, they bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to LINK and their mentoring and friendships are appreciated by the clergy teens who attend each year.

Plans are already underway for LINK 2014. Stay tuned for the location and dates! The event will also be under new leadership as Marion steps away to pursue new ventures. All teens who have a parent in ministry with the CABC are invited to attend this annual free weekend. If you are interested or know someone who might like to attend, registration forms are posted online early in the new year.

Submitted by Rev. Marion Jamer


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