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Link 2011

November 28, 2011

Link 2011

What happens when you get 62 pastors’ kids, aka “PKs” (55 teens and 7 leaders), together for a weekend? You have a whole lot of fun and make friendships that will last a lifetime. LINK 2011 did just that on the weekend of September 23-25 at Camp Seggie in PEI.

The weather tried to dampen our spirits by raining part of the weekend, but nothing could chase away the camaraderie that grew as we took time to just hang out with each other over board games, friendship bracelets, and musical jam sessions. On Friday night, Capture the Flag, led by our resident expert, Todd Coldwell, brought out our competitive side as we ran around the spacious campgrounds. Water balloons, a climbing wall, and basketball figured into Saturday afternoon activities. The highlight of the weekend, however, proved to be the Variety Show on Saturday night. What amazing talent was on display as act after act came on stage!

The weekend also gave us time to spend with God. Worship was led by Chris Keezer. Clay became a medium for learning about God’s love for us. Small group discussions allowed leaders to engage the teens on topics such as Bible Study. Time was set aside to explore creative ways of reflecting and connecting with God through the beauty of nature. Leaders took time to spend with the teens, providing a listening ear or wise word from one who has walked in the same shoes.

“It is good to know I am not alone,” explains one PK when asked why she liked to come to LINK. For many PKs, LINK becomes a time to meet other Christian youth, and discover that PKs come in all shapes, sizes and personalities. There is something refreshing in knowing that you are not the only one who experiences the joys and expectations that come with being a PK. With leaders who also attended LINK as teenagers, there is proof, for those who wonder, that PKs can turn out just fine when they become adults.

Sunday morning we packed up, cleaned up and said good-bye for another year. As the warm sun glinted off the water, you could see groups of PKs reluctantly leaving behind the friends they might only see on Facebook for the next few months. Promises were made about coming back next September. As parents arrived and spent time chatting with each other, the value of forming friendships with other ministry families was clear. These are memories and ties that will bind us together for many years to come.

Plans are already in the works for LINK 2012 to be held at Bayside Camp, near Halifax on September 28-30. Watch for registration information in the spring.


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