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Happy New Year

December 31, 2013

new-year-2014A New Year’s Message from CABC President, Mrs. Goldye Smith

Happy New Year to one and all!!

As we look at the beginning of a new year we can be excited about what God has in store for us. Maybe it will be a time that God wants us to try something new. Maybe something that is out of our comfort zone. Maybe something that we have had a passion for, but were too afraid to try. So much we can ponder … seeking His guidance through prayer. I pray that it will be a wonderful year for all of us. I pray it will be a year we will remember because we did let God lead us to new adventures for Him.

At Oasis in August, 2012, when I became Vice-President of the CABC, I decided that it would be an opportunity for me to visit a different church in our Convention each Sunday. What a blessing it has been for me and my husband, David. We have now visited many churches in both NS & NB and next summer the intention is to get to some in PEI and Nfld. Unfortunately, with over 455 churches in our Convention, we can only get to visit a representative sample.

God has uniquely made each of us with different gifts and talents, so as we make up congregations, every church is unique. God expects us to use these gifts and talents for Him and extending His kingdom. As I have said many times, there is no retirement in this world. We each have a purpose and are to continue offering ourselves, our varied gifts, to serve Him to do the ministries He wants. If unable to do anything else, we can still pray. All these ministries need to be surrounded in prayer. It has been exciting to see and hear about the different ministries that go on weekly in each church, home, and community. It is wonderful to see God’s people use their gifts in our churches through greeting, ushering, praying, music ministry, reading scripture, telling the children’s story, serving coffee, and the list goes on. So many churches have small groups in their churches, many meeting in homes. What a joy and a privilege it is to visit our churches to worship God together and to learn what is being done in ministry to others, giving Him the glory.

As President, I have been invited to Board meetings at several constituent bodies including: Spencer House, Atlantic Baptist Senior Housing Inc, Crandall University and Acadia Divinity College, the Board of Ministerial Standard and Education, the Symposium on Theological Education, and CBM. It is wonderful to learn about each Board and their responsibilities to our Convention, to our constituent churches. These Boards have many dedicated men and women who have a passion for the board, committee, or organization of which they are a part. It is wonderful to see the appreciation for the wider fellowship, the body of Christ that is bigger than just a local church.

The CABC Council met in September and in November. It is a privilege to work with these men and women who have been called to serve on Council as well as the CABC staff. In November the Council had a two day Strategic Planning session under the leadership of Heather Bell Williams, Garth Williams, and Peter Reid. As a council we learned a lot and had some fun along the way. We are stronger together.

As we go into 2014, may we strive to love others as shown by Jesus’ example and remember there is always room for more in The Kingdom, more room at the table. May you be blessed in this year. Go and be a blessing to someone else as you extend His kingdom.


Goldye Smith
CABC President


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