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Good News of Great Joy!

December 7, 2016

A Christmas letter from Rev. Dr. Peter Reid, CBAC Executive Minister:

There is no shortage of foreboding, anxiety, fear and apprehension in our world. If we aren’t careful, we will be robbed of joy and not give ourselves permission to celebrate and rejoice in the season.

But, we should not forget that Jesus’ entry into our world did not come when times were either easy or good. God came among us in the form of a helpless, innocent baby so that he could fully identify with our fears, our worries and our struggle.

Frederick Buechner wrote that when Jesus came it was as, “a child born in the night among beasts,” the world was a dark and foreboding place. Things have not changed much since then, but the promise is that Jesus still comes to those of us living in darkness and brings the light of his love and the gift of life.

We do not have to be afraid! We do not have to live in darkness! We can face life with all of its uncertainty with faith and real joy. Remember what the angel said to the Shepherds,

But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news
of great joy that will be for all the people.”

I propose this Christmas we all return to our childhood dreams and recapture the simple joy of the Christ event. It’s time to cast off our worries and rejoice again in the great hope of the Christian faith. The Jesus who came as a babe in the fullness of God’s time will come to us in this present moment if we will receive Him! O Come O Come Emmanuel!

On behalf of the President of the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada, Rev. Norman Pearce, the Council and the CBAC Staff, we extend to you and your family our sincere hope that you will have a joyous Advent Season & a Merry Christmas! Thank you for your faithful support of our shared ministries and your partnership in the Gospel as we continue to serve Lord Jesus Christ together.

Rev. Dr. Peter Reid,
Executive Minister, Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada


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