Pastor Hubs are larger gatherings inviting all pastors from an Association or region once a year.
We will meet for 2–2.5 hours in the morning or afternoon, typically at a church. Our goal is to have a hub within a 90-minute drive for 80% of CBAC pastors. Our first hubs are taking place through March and April, please consider attending one as you look at the schedule.
The list below shows the remaining upcoming gatherings, others have past. Click the event title for more details such as location:

At least once a year Pastors are invited – often through collaboration between your local Pastoral Connector and Greg Jones, the CBAC’s Director for Connections – to gather in a hub for a leadership circle. Here you will explore a key question for conversation, share with one another stories of what is working in your context, and connect with one another as well as the CBAC Team.