CONNECT 2012 is a series of regional gatherings for pastors and church leaders to be held in September and October. The purpose of these consultations is to Connect (fellowship), Consult (we want to hear from you) and Communicate (updating you on some future initiatives). In the afternoon a workshop will be held on “Preventing Destructive Conflict in the Local Congregation”. The day will begin at 9:30am, lunch provided by host church (offering will be taken) and the afternoon workshop will conclude by 3pm.
The host of these consultations will be Rev. Greg Jones. Greg is currently a member of the CABC Transition Team (Leadership Support and Development) and Director of Development, and he will be one of the new Associate Executive Ministers. Where possible other CABC staff members will be in attendance.
We hope that you will join us for this event. One of the reasons we are hosting these regional consultations is that with the transition from Regional Ministers, we as the CABC are looking for ways to remain connected with Pastors and churches. Also, while we realize we cannot host a seminar in every locale, our goal is to have a site within an hour’s drive of at least 90% of our churches.
Due to our need to notify the host church of the anticipated numbers for preparing lunch, we need you inform us of your intention to attend (ideally 5 days before the date). You can do so by following this link … or going to (If you do not have access to the internet to register electronically, you can call Wendy Jones at 506.635.1922 ext. 102). Below is a table with the dates and locations of the Connect 2012 Consultations. (Newfoundland and Labrador dates will be set in consultation with those pastors and churches.)
Register here: