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CBAC Building – SOLD!!

May 16, 2018

CBAC Building SoldThe CBAC Council is happy to announce the sale of the CBAC Office building in Saint John, NB. If everything proceeds as planned, the closing date will be July 31, 2018. Offices will be packed up and moved to space we will lease on the campus of Crandall University in Moncton, NB. We plan to be back up and running on August 1st.

In 2015, CBAC churches gave approval for Council to sell the office building on 1655 Manawagonish Road, in west Saint John, NB. After three years, several realtor contracts and many onsite tours later, we’re thrilled to finally be at this point. We look forward to moving and getting settled in Moncton, a more central location to all of Atlantic Canada.

The CBAC office has been in Saint John since the 1940s in a few different locations before the current office building on Manawagonish Road was constructed. This location and building has served our needs very well for 38 years. We give thanks to God for this!

“I am grateful to God for the many people throughout the constituency who have indicated they have been praying with us for the sale of the building,” says CBAC Executive Minister, Rev. Dr. Peter Reid. “In some ways it feels like we have been in limbo waiting so long and I know this period of uncertainty has been difficult for our staff. It is exciting to know we can step forward and plan for the move to our new offices at Crandall!”

“God never comes in a hurry, but He is always on time. Surely, the timing is right,” says CBAC President Mr. George Gray. “The sale of the CBAC building has been an answer to prayer for our churches, CBAC Council and staff. We are very thankful to God for His goodness, His grace, His mercy and providential care. We are thankful for the ministry and kingdom impact through all those that have worked on our behalf in that building. We ask that you join us in praying for and supporting the staff during this major transition. We continually look forward to what God will do through us here in Atlantic Canada.”

We do plan to have a decommissioning/worship service and an official farewell party at some point in the near future. Watch for details to be announced later.

We appreciate your ongoing prayer as we painstakingly sort and sift through the contents of the office to decide what we take and what we leave behind.

Thank you for your prayers and support over these years and the years to come.

You are invited to drop in and see us anytime if you’re in the area.

[gview file=”https://atlanticbaptist.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/CBAC-Building-Sold-05-18.pdf”]


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