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CBAC Announces Andrew Glidden’s Resignation

August 17, 2018

Andrew Glidden Resigns As Associate Director of CBAC Youth & Family Ministries
The Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada (CBAC) announces the resignation of Andrew Glidden (Associate Director of CBAC Youth & Family Ministries) effective September 27, 2018. Andrew joined the CBAC team in January 2016.

In his role as Associate Director of CBAC Youth & Family Ministries under the direction of Director, Rev. Renée Embree (now on pastoral staff at Hillside Baptist Church), Andrew has provided our denomination with great leadership and creative ideas that will have ripple effects into the future. His work in helping to provide resources, create content and lead events will continue to bless our churches, pastors, youth and children’s leaders, and our youth and children. None of us will forget Oasis 2016 when Andrew transformed into Mr. Rogers and shared neighbourhood stories.

“Andrew has added creativity, energy and excellent input to our Youth & Family Team and to the CBAC. We are going to miss Andrew very much but are happy for this new ministry opportunity,” shares CBAC Executive Minister Rev. Dr. Peter Reid.

“Andrew has taken our Youth & Family ministry further ahead than I could have imagined,” says Rev. Renée Embree. “Launching the ONE Conference, creating new platforms for us to connect and communicate with leaders like our CBACyf website, helping us create new ministry resources, furthering our vision of joining God in our neighbourhoods and producing so many funny videos and great graphics. Andrew will be greatly missed on the CBAC team. We will always be grateful for the excellence with which he served our CBAC family.”

Andrew will be moving on to work with Outflow in Saint John, NB, assisting them in developing a coffee shop and creative studio, and helping develop a school of mission program in the heart of Saint John.

Andrew’s parting words:
“If you had told me five years ago I would be leading from a denominational staff chair I would not have believed you, not even a little. I am so glad I accepted the call to come and work alongside so many great people throughout Atlantic Canada. I have been given the freedom to lead so much, and in turn I have learned so much.

Thank you to all of you for allowing me to be a part of your lives and I look forward with expectancy as our Baptist family continues to join God in changing Atlantic Canada one neighbourhood at a time.”

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