At Oasis 2014, our Executive Minister gave an update to the churches about several items including strategic planning for the future. One of the issues has been the CABC office building in Saint John. Due to the age of the building there are some serious concerns that need to be addressed such as replacement of windows, wheelchair accessibility, radon gas problem (which is currently being rectified), and other issues as well as ongoing maintenance. After a complete analysis, the cost to bring the building up to the necessary standards would be in excess of $500,000.
CABC Council has been diligently praying and studying for two years about what steps should be taken and they have decided to move forward with a recommendation that will be brought to the delegates of Oasis 2015. The recommendation is that the building in Saint John be sold, that the office be moved to a more central location and that we pursue possible office space with Crandall University.
Rev. Mike Palmer, CABC President – “We all know that there are many challenges for the local church in todays’ culture. Dwindling numbers, tighter budgets and buildings that present many challenges seem to be at the top of the list. Yet, in the midst of it all, there is a sense of excitement and anticipation of what the Lord is doing in Atlantic Canada. Council is excited about the 2025 goals that our Executive Minister, Dr. Peter Reid and his team are striving for. We feel that this potential move will greatly assist our leadership in reaching these goals. We also see the sale of the office building in Saint John, and relocating to a more central area, as a key step in supporting the work of the local church.”
Please read the letter below from CABC Council and President, Rev. Mike Palmer, explaining the rationale (download letter here:
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[gview file=””] (Please note that there is a minor error in the original letter. In the second paragraph, first line, it states “…over 40 years ago…” was intended to read “…over 30 years ago…”. We apologize for any confusion.