Brunswick Street Baptist Church in Fredericton, NB, recently dedicated their new Family Life Centre, a facility devoted primarily to meeting the worship and ministry needs of children, youth and young adults both within the church and in Fredericton. But this four million dollar, three-storey structure was no small project. It was skillfully joined to the existing historic building with minimal disruption to ongoing ministry.
Here is a quick snapshot of the new facility:
“On its ground floor, the Centre offers a gathering room for adults, complete with kitchenette. However, the main feature of the floor is a set of developmentally appropriate classrooms for children from infancy to age four. These children’s classrooms are accessed through a reception/check-in area designed to provide a secure environment for children and workers.
On the second floor, provision has been made for a large children’s gathering area known as KidzTown – which will provide worship/ministry space for up to 100 children. Off this central great room are classrooms designed for children from Kindergarten to Grade Five. The room is complete with multi-media projection units and a dedicated puppet performance area.
The third floor has been designed with youth and young adult ministry needs in mind. Featuring a gathering area for up to 120, this floor also offers the “Solid Rock Café” – seating and kitchen facilities where youth can bring friends and hang out as well as an activity room complete with a pool table (made possible by funds raised by the youth). Individual breakout rooms and classrooms complete the floor.”
Senior Pastor, Dr. Terry Atkinson, has seen evidence of the providence of God throughout this project and anticipates the future impact this will have on the Kingdom of God. “Certainly we have seen God’s hand of mercy and direction. We thank Him for His faithfulness! May we remain true to Him as He continues to guide and direct us. May we see many come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord as these buildings are used to proclaim His great message. To God be the glory, great things HE has done!”
Check Brunswick Street’s website for more information about the Family Life Centre.