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Brunswick St. Baptist Grows

March 28, 2008

Brunswick St. Baptist rendering

Following many years of indecision, Brunswick Street Baptist Church in Fredericton has found a community-friendly way to expand. The church hopes to break ground on its expansion in May 2008. Phase One of the expansion will house extension Christian education space, plus a lobby, and library. Built in 1883, Brunswick Street needs a larger contemporary worship space, as well as children/youth facilities.

“Don’t tear down historic York House!”

The church considered demolishing next-door York House because it became unusable for their needs. This idea grieved many church members and local citizens who wanted architecturally historic building saved. Built in the 1890’s, York House has distinguishing details in the brickwork, sandstone window arches and intricate sunflower metal lightning rods.

An innovative solution found

Now, the city and province are giving the church three adjacent properties with their buildings in exchange for York House. The city plans to use York House for office space. One of the adjacent buildings had belonged to the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic group. The city found another satisfactory new place for them. “It’s a miracle really,” declared Dr. Terry Atkinson. “ The city, the province, our church, and the Knights of Columbus have all agreed.”

Why we’re growing

In 2007 the church grew with 24 baptisms, 33 new members and 15 new babies. Pastor Atkinson suggests that the simultaneous contemporary and traditional worship services have been a major factor in the church’s growth. “People love choices. Blended worship wasn’t working,” says Atkinson.

They decided to use diverse worship styles in two locations in the same building with the same sermon transmitted by video feed. Both services have a blend of young to old attendees. Simultaneously, there is a children’s service, “Kidz Town”. Immediately after worship, they have a community-building fellowship time.

For more information, contact www.bsbc.nb.ca.


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