On November 28th, Lower Coverdale Baptist Church (LCBC), had the pleasure of witnessing the raw and real power of salvation and transformed lives as demonstrated when people go through the waters of baptism. Eight people, from different life stories and paths of discovery, were baptized and long with 5 others, welcomed into membership.
LCBC has been experiencing some well-rounded growth. By this we mean, kingdom “growth,” not kingdom “shift.” People who never had church experience or had long ago turned their back on church (not necessarily on God), are finding community and significant connection to a body of believers.
The mission of LCBC states, “We exist to help people come to KNOW Jesus, GROW in His word, and GO serve locally and globally.” We call “KNOW-GROW-GO” our “Plan2Win.” This keeps us focused on discipleship as God draws people to Himself and continues to use LCBC in this corner of His vineyard.