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October 8, 2015

baptism-600pxIn recent weeks we’ve heard about a number of baptisms in CABC churches (either by messages received or social media). Baptisms are always an exciting time in the life of the church. They are clear evidence that God is working in hearts and lives. It’s a public witness of the internal change that has taken place. We want to celebrate with each of these and with the churches.

Whitepine Baptist Church (NB) – September 27th – By Friday, we had one person ready for baptism. After an evening coffee Saturday night, there were two. Then, after these two guys were baptized, another guy came forward to be baptized with them… awesome!! The first two baptized are on day-parole living in a half-way house; the third is still in Dorchester Correctional Centre – he came with the guys that worship with us every month. God truly blessed us as there were approximately 20 inmates/parolees, prison ministry volunteers, and friends/family supporters who came for the baptism joined us for worship, heard the testimonies of the trio who were baptized, and had lunch afterwards. What a great reminder of how real the “freedom” Christ offers to us is! (Submitted by Rev. Dr. Frank Trail)

baptisms-grace-2015Grace Memorial Baptist Church (NB) – September 20th – We marked Back to Church Sunday with a worship service and the baptism of nine people. Most of the candidates came to Grace through one of the church’s Life Groups specifically focused on reaching out to the Chinese Community in their own language. To help visiting family and friends of the candidates who came to witness this special event, the message was given both in English by Pastor Peter Lohnes and in a Mandarin by Tony Yin, a leader in the Chinese Fellowship Life Group. Pictured are the nine candidates, from left to right: Chris Yang, Nancy Zhou, Ann Li, Darwin Chen, Fred Chen, Anita Jiang, Nuan Chin, Roy Zhou, and David Zhou. (Submitted by Rev. Dr. Peter Lohnes)

Midland Baptist Church (NB) – September 6th – The church worshipped at Camp Tulakadik (Cassidy Lake, NB) and walked down to the lake where 6 entered the waters of baptism and professed their faith in God and His calling on their life. There were five planned and one spontaneous baptism. It was a powerful day for the church!

Port Mouton Baptist Church (NS) – August 23rd – three were baptized at Port Mouton Baptist Church – Shelley Heasman, Hazel Fisher and David Spicer. They were received into Church membership on Sunday, August 30th. We praise the Lord for this work of grace! (Submitted by Rev. Perley Tidd)

Shediac Bay Community Church (NB) – July 5th – 6 planned baptisms and 5 spontaneous baptisms in Scoudouc River. AND God was not done yet! 3 more baptisms in the Cocagne River that afternoon!

**From these 5 churches, a total of 35 people were baptized! WOW!

In 2014, 382 baptisms were reported in CABC churches through our annual church life reports (only 309 churches reported). If this is what’s happening in 5 of our churches, imagine what’s happening in the other 445. Can’t wait to see the totals from 2015!

If your church has had a baptism and you’d like to have yours added to this story, send it to .

Nackawic Baptist Church (NB) – We have celebrated with two young men who were baptized this year. The first baptism was on Easter Sunday and the second was at our closing service for Summer Ministries. It has been a blessing to celebrate with them! (Submitted by Rev. Jim Rhyno)

Florenceville Baptist Church (NB) – Florenceville Baptist celebrated with 3 who were baptized in March, 1 in April. Then after a summer of learning, serving, and growing in relationship with God another 1 was baptized in September. Praise God for the restoration He is doing in Atlantic Canada! (Submitted by Pastor Dustin Day)


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