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ADC’s Tour of Turkey & Greece

January 31, 2013

adc-tour-turkey-greeceAcadia Divinity College is organizing an educational and inspirational tour of the locations of the Seven churches of Revelation and many of the locations visited by Paul on his second and third missionary journeys. The tour will take place May 13-25, 2013.

Next to the land of Israel, the region of Turkey and Greece is the most mentioned in the Bible. This is the location of most of the churches that Paul visited on his three missionary journeys (Acts 13:1-14:28; 15:36-21:16) and to which he wrote his pastoral letters (Corinth, Galatia, Ephesus, Colossae, and Thessalonica). Ephesus is also where Timothy was located (1 Timothy 1:3). Turkey is where we find the locations of the seven churches of the Book of the Revelation (Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea), the traditional location of the home of John the Apostle (Ephesus), and the churches addressed in 1 Peter (Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia). A visit to this region takes you back in time to experience the landscapes and sites of these important New Testament cities, where Paul, Baranbas, Silas, Timothy, Luke, and others walked, preached the Gospel, and established churches.

The host for the tour will be Glenn (ADC professor of Old Testament), and possibly Darlene Wooden and Danny Zacharias (ADC lecturer in New Testament), working with professional, in-country guides. Together they hosted the successful 2011 ADC tour to Israel and Palestine.

The tour will begin in Istanbul, and then move to the mid western coastal area (1000km from the present Syrian situation), follow the coast of the Aegean (crossing the Dardanelles) and finish in Greece by visiting the site of ancient Corinth, and the city of Athens. Such experiences help to bring alive the book of Acts and to locate the letters of the New Testament and book of Revelation, and to understand better the context to which much of the New Testament was addressed, so that we can interpret it better for today.

This tour may be taken for academic credit (bachelor, master, and doctoral degree levels) or for personal edification. If you are interested in visiting the locations, or knowing more, please visit: the ADC tour webpage (, where you will find a copy of the brochure, a link to the map of the locations that we will visit, and a link to our Facebook page (you do not have to be a Facebook member to view this) where you will find photos and interesting news items, as well as updates on the tour. Or, if you have questions or would like further information, please feel free to contact us at: or or call 902-679-0703.


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