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ADC Graduation Celebrations

May 9, 2013

ADC-graduationThis weekend Acadia Divinity College will host graduation celebrations beginning with a Commissioning Service for its graduates on Friday evening, followed by the Baccalaureate Service Sunday morning and Convocation Sunday afternoon.

For many the Commissioning Service is a spiritual high point of the school year as this is the College’s way of sending the graduates out with its love and prayerful support.   The departing students are commissioned to fulfill their ministry in Christ’s Church as they have opportunity.  The Commissioning Service service has been held annually since 1962.

Rev. Dr. Pierre Allard will be giving the address at the Commissioning Service and will also be receiving an honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity during Convocation.  He served as Chaplain at Dorchester Penitentiary and as Regional Chaplain for the Atlantic Region. He was then appointed as Chaplain General and then Assistant Commissioner of Correctional Service of Canada.

Congratulations to all ADC grads on the successful completion of this formal education and this significant accomplishment. May God bless you as you move out in service for the Kingdom.

Here are the weekend details:

Friday, May 10, 2013

  • 4:30 pm for 5 pm at Wheelock Dining Hall, Acadia University (Registration required.  Please contact Sheila Levy.)
  • 7:30 pm at Wolfville Baptist Church  Address by Rev. Dr. Pierre Allard

Sunday, May 12, 2013

  • 11:00 am – Baccalaureate Service at Convocation Hall, Acadia University
  • 3:00 pm – 2013 Convocation at Convocation Hall, Acadia University


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