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ABW Mission Trip to Cuba

May 22, 2013

cuba-streetHave you had opportunity to help lead women’s retreats, small group Bible studies, a ‘Ladies’ Morning Out’ program or taught children’s Sunday School, led DVBS or mid-week children’s programs?

Would you like to be involved in a Short Term Mission experience that would encourage women to grow in their faith?

Do you have skills and spiritual gifts that would encourage women who lead women’s ministries?  Do you enjoy serving in children’s ministries?

Women who have been involved in leading women’s and children’s ministries and women pastors are encouraged to consider this STM.

Women who participate in this STM will need to have had experience leading women’s and children’s ministries.  Skills of teaching workshops and leading music would also be valuable.

  • Country:  Cuba with our Canadian Baptist Ministry partner
  • Date: April 18-29, 2014
  • Cost:  $2500 – $2700 (depending on flight costs)

Prayerfully consider if the Lord is calling you to serve women and children in Cuba.  Send your STM application letter by June 29, 2013 to:  e-mail:  [email protected].  Please include your experience and skills as well as two references; one from your pastor.

photo credit: @Doug88888 via photopin cc


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