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2023 Church Life Reports

February 7, 2024

Where are you seeing signs of life and growth? Where do you see hope and possibility? In the dark and cold of winter here in Atlantic Canada, it’s not easy to see signs of life waiting beneath the soil. Many of us long for spring. We long to see those first buds on the trees and shoots of flowers and vegetables. We hope in the possibility of enjoying their beauty and bounty in the summer and fall.

What about your church? This is the time of year that churches evaluate what 2023 was like. What worked and what didn’t? Where did you see growth and signs of life in your church? Where do you see possibility and hope for God’s increased blessing in 2024? Where are the opportunities in your neighbourhood that God is calling you to step into?

We want to hear about your signs of life and growth. If you have a story to share, we’d love to share it with our CBAC family via our website and social media. Email our Communications team – [email protected].

Each year, we ask CBAC churches to submit reports that help us understand how to serve our member churches better. These reports give us a snapshot of signs of life and growth. We know it’s not the whole picture, but it does provide helpful information for our wider CBAC family. Contact information is used to update the contact information in the online “Find A Church” directory and print directory. Statistics are published online in the Yearbook.

Complete by April 15 @ 5pm for a chance to receive a prize!
If we receive your Church Life Report by April 15th at 5 pm, your church will be entered in a draw to receive one of these five great prizes! The first church to be drawn will get their pick of the 5 prizes, the next 4 churches drawn will get their pick of the prizes that are then remaining. These Church Life Reports are so important to us – they help us know what we’re achieving together, who we are reaching, and where we need to improve and they also help us keep our CBAC database up to date so we can stay connected with you and your church. Prizes to be drawn for:

  1. CBAC will pay for a child/youth from your church or community to go to a CBAC camp for one week this summer.
  2. One free registration to the ONE Conference for your church.
  3. Two free registrations to Oasis for your church.
  4. For one CBAC pastor from your church: 50% off the upcoming Sharpening Leaders Initiative (2025 with Arrow Leadership and The CBAC Leadership Development).
  5. Free Sozo Centre Fresh Choice membership for a retreat or spiritual direction. $250 value.

Be sure to complete your Church Life Report (see below) and send it to us at the CBAC by April 15.

There are three ways you can complete the report:

  1. Online formhttps://atlbaptist.wufoo.com/forms/2023-church-life-report-part-1-info-pastors/. Note: This version must be filled out all at once.
  2. Fillable PDF – Download: https://atlanticbaptist.ca/download/25174/?tmstv=1674224581. Once completed, it can be emailed to our office. [email protected]
  3. Print PDF – Download & print: https://atlanticbaptist.ca/download/25167/?tmstv=1674221309. Use this version if you can only complete it by hand. Please print. Once completed, it can be mailed or faxed.

Emails are also going out to church clerks with this information. Reports are due April 15, 2024. If you have any questions, contact Christopher – 1-506-635-1922 or [email protected].


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