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NS Shooting: April 30 Message from Dr. Peter Reid, Executive Minister

April 30, 2020

We’ve seen God show up. And we know that there is hope, and we have this anchor for our souls.

Our Executive Minister, Dr. Peter Reid, shared this video message with our CBAC family today.

The following is a transcript of the video above from Dr. Peter Reid, CBAC Executive Minister

Hi Friends,

I just want to give you a brief update today. More than a week ago, we sent out a video just to support and ask for prayer for the families of the victims of the terrible tragedy that happened here in Nova Scotia. It’s been more than a week and a half, and we see across all the communities in Nova Scotia, our province, and across the nation, there’s just been a sense of deep shock and sadness and brokenheartedness. And there’s also this sense that this violence and evil has overtaken us.

But I want to say to you that we’ve also seen God in the midst of the trouble. We’ve seen God show up. And we know that there is hope, and we have this anchor for our souls. I want to encourage you with that word today as well.

In the past week online, there’s been this chorus of support—I think of things like Prayers for PortapiqueStronger Together, Nova Scotia Strong. And then last Friday night, all across the nation, many of us joined in online to share in the vigil that took place to support the families. But I also want to say to you that a number of our pastors shared messages, whether it was last Sunday in their service, or in their devotional talks online. They’ve shared messages that talk about the lament, the grief, the struggle, the suffering that we’re going through—bit also that have spoken to hope and healing and encouragement for people. So one of the things we’re going to do over the next few days, is we’re going to share some of those messages; you’re going to be able to go on our website and find them. I hope they will be a big encouragement to you as well.

Let me just renew an invitation to prayer. I want to encourage you to continue to be in prayer for the families of the victims, for the RCMP who are still suffering, for all of the first responders who may still be in shock. It seems like now, more than ever, these folks need our prayers. Maybe, in a time when some people are trying to go back to life as normal, the pain is setting in, in some ways even more deeply.

Many of you have asked, “What can we do to help? Is there a tangible way? Can we give financially?” As we looked at this, probably the best way to help out financially is through the Red Cross. The Red Cross has set up a fund, and it’s called the Stronger Together Nova Scotiafund. And it’s coordinated, it’s a trusted source, and we know the money will get to those who need it most. And so we would encourage you if you want to give, why don’t you give through that fund with the Red Cross.

Finally, let me just say in closing today, I was looking at Romans 12. You know, there’s a wonderful section in Romans 12 where Paul is telling the Christians how to love one another, and care for one another, and support one another. And in that little section in Romans 12, there’s this phrase, “Mourn with those who mourn.” How critical that is for us even now to mourn with those who mourn.

And yet in that same passage, there’s this one sentence that has three phrases that Paul uses, that I love. He says, first of all, “be joyful in hope.” Folks, we have hope in Jesus Christ.

Be joyful in hope, “patient in affliction”—all of us understand what that means now, to be in this terrible place of affliction—to be patient in affliction.

And to be “faithful in prayer.” Joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer. I want to urge you to be faithful in prayer.

I want to urge you to turn to the Lord, that there is hope, and that we can share this hope with others who may be grieving and suffering in ways that we can’t fully imagine. So God bless you. I leave these words to encourage you today. God bless you whether you’re a member of a congregation, in leadership, or a pastor.

God bless you in your ministry today. 


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