The Votes Are In!

The Votes Are In!

We are pleased to announce that to date over 200 churches have overwhelmingly voted to approve Rev. Kevin Vincent as our new Associate Executive Minister beginning May 4, 2015. Recognizing that some churches have had trouble getting together to vote because of recent...

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Black History Quiz

Black History Quiz

Did we mention there was going to be a test about your knowledge about Black History Month? What do you know about African heritage here in Atlantic Canada? Hopefully after this quiz you'll know more. Read through the questions and write down what you think the...

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Experience Acadia Div

Experience Acadia Div

Experience Acadia Div is our annual open house where we give people like you a chance to see how ADC can equip you to serve. Whether you are sensing a call to full-time Christian ministry, looking to upgrade your training, or are simply interested in taking some...

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Free Money! Why Not Apply?

Free Money! Why Not Apply?

One application is all it takes to be considered for every scholarship at Crandall University! If you were offered $500 or $1000 would you take the offer? Most of us would, but most students miss out when the term scholarship is used. Why? Students think it will take...

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