Monday Musings October 6th

Monday Musings October 6th

54 - the percentage of our current Clergy who will be eligible for retirement in 15 years, that approximately 250 of our 460 current active clergy. 7 - the number of Ordinations that will take place over the next 2 months which got started this past weekend. Pray for...

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New Bachelor of Theology Program Welcomes Students!

New Bachelor of Theology Program Welcomes Students!

September is always an exhilarating time around Crandall University, but there is an extra buzz in the air this year as the first students in an exciting new partnership have arrived! Because of the shared desire to disciple students and equip Christian leaders,...

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Monday Musings

Monday Musings

26 - the number of grade 12 students this past weekend at Potential Impact under the leadership of Renée Embree our Director of Youth & Family. Such great hope and potential in these young leaders. Pray for them as they each discern how God has equipped them and...

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The World in Crisis

The World in Crisis

We can't turn on the news these days without hearing about a new crisis popping up somewhere in the world. Ukraine, Israel, Gaza, Syria, Iraq, Liberia, Nigeria. Countries at war. Christians and people of other faiths being terrorized and killed. Ebola outbreak. And...

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