Cornerstone Baptist in Montague

Cornerstone Baptist in Montague

On Sunday, October 11, Cornerstone Baptist Church’s third site held it's first Sunday morning worship service in Montague, PEI. Cornerstone Montague began as a relaunch of the former Montague United Baptist Church, which has been present in the town of Montague for...

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Glorious and Free

Glorious and Free

Our church service yesterday started with “O Canada” as we remembered those who’ve fought for our freedom. After that (though my Pavlovian senses were cued for a hockey game) we raised our voices and hands to God (okay, mostly our voices). We love our country and want...

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LINK 2015

LINK 2015

This years LINK moved to Camp Tulakadik, which is, situated on beautiful Cassidy Lake, just outside Sussex, New Brunswick. It was also held in October this year a little later than has been the norm. When the dust settled, we ended up having 35 campers and 14 staff...

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