Baptism Stories Continued

Baptism Stories Continued

We're continuing our series of baptism updates. You can read previous stories here:; The total reported at that time was 118 baptisms from 34 churches that...

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Link 2018 Recap

Link 2018 Recap

It’s fall again and that means another LINK retreat for our Clergy Teens and this year we were back at Camp Wildwood in Bouctouche, just outside Moncton, New Brunswick. It is always good to be at Camp Wildwood, because Geoff and his staff look after us so well, with a...

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Baptism Stories

Baptism Stories

We continue to share stories of baptisms as you send them in. While we love to hear the numbers, we love getting the stories. Hearing the stories of God changing lives, making that public declaration that Jesus's love changed a life - this is what it's about! Here's...

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We’re Moving!

We’re Moving!

We're excited to announce that we're moving ... finally!! This has been a long time coming! From the initial proposal to sell, to the actual permission given by the churches, to the offer, to the first announcement of the move, the delays, the further delays, and now...

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