Staff Health Update

Staff Health Update

Many of you have been asking for updates on the health of Rev. Elias Mutale and Rev. Jerry Horsman (members of the Transition Team). Here is what we have for you: Rev. Elias Mutale – After a car accident in the summer of 2011, Elias continues to suffer from concussion...

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Conversations With New Canadians

Conversations With New Canadians

Our "Traditional Canadian Thanksgiving Dinner" went incredibly well... We didn't make it a "ticketed" event, so we had no way to gauge the number of people coming in advance. We decided 150 was the maximum we could accommodate in the building over the course of two...

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Rural Churches Partner for Bolivia

Rural Churches Partner for Bolivia

Two rural CABC churches have come together in a partnership with Canadian Baptist Ministries (CBM) and with the Bolivia Baptist Union in the STEP Program (Serving, Training, Energizing Partnerships). New Heights and New Tusket Baptist Churches in the Yarmouth...

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Conversations: Hemorrhaging Faith

Conversations: Hemorrhaging Faith

This podcast is a conversation with the authors of the revealing study "Hemorrhaging Faith: Why and When Canadian Young Adults are Leaving, Staying and Returning to Church". Dr. Jody Linkletter (Assoc. Dir. Youth & Family, CABC) sits down with James Penner and Rachael...

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