Nerepis Baptist Church Yard/Bake Sale — On Saturday, October 2nd, our church had a yard sale/bake sale for our community. We had a lot of contributions from people in our congregation, including some delicious homemade bread, cookies, and whoopee pies! Though it was a wet, rainy day, we had a good number of people come out. It was also a good time of fellowship for those of us from our church. We never charged for any of the items but asked for donations that would go to the food bank in Grand Bay-Westfield. We raised just over $200! We consider that a success! Whatever items weren’t sold that morning were dropped off at Value Village during the week.

“Count Your Blessings” Sunday — On Sunday, October 16, our church had a “Count Your Blessings” Sunday. It was a time to celebrate all the ways in which God has blessed us. People gave testimonies and wrote their blessings on our “blessings banner.” Pastor Derek spoke about how our experience of gratitude points us to God not only as the source of all our blessings but to him as the ultimate blessing and how only through being transformed by the gospel of Jesus can we truly know the meaning of gratitude. Lots of friends and family who don’t normally attend church joined us, and we also enjoyed a delicious potluck lunch following the service. All in all, our time together was truly a blessing.