New video podcasts are now available. The most recent Conversation took place with Rev. Sam Chaise, the new General Secretary of Canadian Baptist Ministries (CBM). Sam shares what the transition into this new role has been like. He also shares what is new for CBM in 2011 as well as a special greeting to the churches of the Convention.
We also sat down with Rev. Dr. Keith Hobson, former pastor and Executive Minister, and allow him an opportunity to share about his life and ministry. You will hear Keith talk about where he was when WWII broke out and what ministry was like during the war in England. And he shares about ministry with and in the churches of our Convention. Even at 92, Keith has much to offer.
You can view these videos in HD on our channel and channel. If you log in to with your free account, these videos can be downloaded for playback later. Audio is available on our website under “Podcasts” and on your Itunes. Please share these with your churches.