The CBAC’s Leadership Academy presents Lay Learning Labs, an accessible and practical resource for lay leaders. Whether you’re a treasurer, clerk, small group/Sunday school leader, the Lay Learning Lab is designed to help each congregation’s lay leaders grow and lead in this current moment.
The sessions will be held on Zoom on the last Monday evening of the month (February, March, and May) from 6:30-7:30 pm, each covering various topics. Please note that they take place concurrently, you can only choose one.
All sessions will be held on Zoom, so if you don’t already have a free Zoom account, we encourage you to sign up for one.
2025 Lay Learning Labs
February 24
Talking to Teens about Justice
In this workshop, Laura will help us understand the kinds of questions teenagers are asking about biblical Justice, and how to broach a conversation that can sometimes be tricky or loaded. She’ll lead us in thinking about Justice as discipleship and offer various approaches to help get teens engaged in Justice.
Presented by Laura Bennett, CBAC’s Associate Director of Youth & Family and Coordinator of Justice & Advocacy.
Clear & Compelling: Essential Tools for Church Communication
Learn essential communication tools and skills to engage your congregation, get the word out, and enhance your church’s impact.
Presented by Rev. Gordon Dickinson, CBAC’s Communications Manager.
What Church Treasurers need to know about the Pension and Insurance Benefits.
We will go through the eligibility and contribution process, answer some of the Frequently Asked Questions and share recommended practices for sick leave. All important things a church needs to know if they have paid employees.
Presented by Karen Gunn, CBAC’s Pension & Benefits Manager.
March 31
Unravelling Conflict
“Dem’s Fighting Words!” – No doubt one of Satan’s greatest schemes to undermine the mission of the church is to stir up ‘malignant conflict’ amongst well-intentioned believers. In this lab, we will look at what is meant by malignant conflict, its destructive, deadly consequences, and ways of avoiding or escaping such forms of conflict.
Presented by Rev. Dr. Greg Jones, CBAC’s Director of Connections and NS Connector.
Discipling Teenagers in a Changing World
Discipleship is more than just teaching teenagers what to believe—it’s about shaping who they become. This online learning lab is for youth ministry volunteers who want to help teens grow in a faith that lasts. We’ll introduce the Faith Beyond Youth Group compass, a tool that helps us focus on character formation rather than just passing on knowledge. Together, we’ll explore three key ideas: how the stories we tell shape faith, how we can create a welcoming and supportive community, and how relationships help teenagers follow Jesus. Join us as we discover practical ways to guide teens in their faith journey!
Presented by Rev. Dan Pyke, CBAC’s Director of Youth & Family.
May 26
Do deacons really do more than serve communion?
We will briefly look at what the Bible says about deacons and elders. Then we will talk about their roles and what should be their priorities.
Presented by Rev. Dr. Terry Atkinson.
Crafting a Vision
Whether your ministry is big, small, or in between, having a clear picture of where God wants to take you together brings hope, focus and unity. This lab will give you the tools to help you develop a clear vision for your ministry.
Presented by Rev. Renée MacVicar, CBAC’s Executive Minister.
Help Me Manage! Classroom Management for Ministry Volunteers in grades K-6
In this practical workshop we’ll go over proactive as well as responsive strategies for volunteers in order that they can help kids manage their behaviours.
Presented by Heather Bell-Williams, principal of Milltown Elementary School in St. Stephen, New Brunswick, Canada.