Rev. Dan Green, Chester United Baptist Church:
“This year marked our 12th annual “Giving” Golf tournament here in Chester.
The Chester United Baptist Church missions committee has organized this event and has raised over $40,000 for local and global ministries during that time.
It is an event that many in our church get involved to see it happen. Along with our missions committee, our Ladies Auxiliary prepare the meal we enjoy after the game. Many of our church family play golf and others sponsor holes or offer prizes that are part of the day’s fun.
This event has been held the last Monday of June for the last eight years or so. This year we had one of the wettest days on record and still sixty six golfers braved the biblical proportions of rain to help raise awareness and funds for missions. Others who chose not to golf in the rain still gave their $40 donation for CBM and a local charity.
Each year seventy-five percent of what is raised goes to a CBM or Sharing Way project. The remainder goes to a local charity. These local recipients of funds have ranged from ADC, VON, Lunenburg Ground Search and Rescue, Shoreham Village Nursing Home, Chester Fire Dept, Long Lake Camp, Sea Cadets, Pro Kids, Lions Club and this year we raised money for our Middle School’s breakfast program.
We use the “Texas” Scramble format which takes the pressure off of being too competitive. Teams and individual players come from as far away as Yarmouth and Dartmouth. We have a prize for everyone. People and businesses have been so supportive of this event for which we are grateful.
We thank God that once again, despite the foul weather, we were able to raise over $3600 for missions this year. It is such a fun way to help local and global missions and we give God all the glory for the good that comes from it.
If you are interested in planning such an event to raise funds for God’s work please feel free to write or call and we will share what we have learned along the way. We have had a lot of fun through this way of giving to missions.”
Picture (l to r) – Peter Sherwood, Dennis Leamont, Steven Hopper, Dan Green, Robert Gates, Don Dunn