It was quite a day we had today. Despite the nor’easter, a little snow, 6 foot storm surge, a lot rain and stinging sleet we had great morning crowd that celebrated in worship and we welcomed 4 new members to our fellowship. We welcome Terry and Linda MacKinnon and Mike and Saunya LeBlanc as new members.
In the evening about 30 people gathered near the pounding storm surge on Riverside Drive. Winds were gusting up to 50km/hr, sleet and rain soaked us, the water temp was well below comfort but Derek Richard entered the waters of baptism.
A video of the baptism this evening is on the home page of our website The video is half way down the page. Pictures of the baptism are attached. Congratulations Derek!
Submitted by Rev. Brock Symonds, Senior Pastor of Shediac Bay Community Church.