

In recent weeks we've heard about a number of baptisms in CABC churches (either by messages received or social media). Baptisms are always an exciting time in the life of the church. They are clear evidence that God is working in hearts and lives. It's a public...

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Oasis15 Recap

Oasis15 Recap

#Oasis15 happened! Were you there? The CABC family came together to celebrate what God is doing here in Atlantic Canada. Some even joined us via livestream. Nearly 850 Atlantic Baptists from 208 churches shared some amazing and inspiring stories - churches sponsoring...

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Celebrating 60 Years of Ordained Ministry

Celebrating 60 Years of Ordained Ministry

A Service of Celebration and Memories was held on Sep 20th at the Liverpool Baptist Church, as family and friends gathered to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of Ordination for Rev. Dr. John Bartol. Dr. Bartol, hale and hearty at age 86, delivered the message, “The 4...

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God Is Up To Something!

God Is Up To Something!

"I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home." Matthew 25:35 Over the past few weeks we’ve all seen the rise in news stories about the refugee crisis particularly in the Middle East. The horrifying stories and images of people attempting to flee desperate...

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