We are very pleased to let you know that Sandi (Hicks) Killeen is joining the CBAC staff on August 26th, 2019 filling our former “Receptionist” position. This position has been enhanced and includes administrative support to the Atlantic Baptist Mission Board along...
What If?
What if your church worshiped at the local coffee shop? What if the only church people went to was at the hockey rink? The reality is that a growing percentage of people will not enter a church building, even if they are personally invited. In the U.S., that...
New Find-A-Church Feature
We’ve just launched a new Find a Church feature! Click here to use it: https://atlanticbaptist.ca/find-a-church/. If you allow Google Maps to know your location, it will show you the 25 churches closest to you including contact info and directions. Want to know about...
Lent 2019 – Making Space for God
Lent is that time of year where we take time to prepare our hearts for Easter. Traditionally, lent uses prayer and fasting as a way for us to enter into the Easter story, the centre of the gospel. This year we're asking you to join us in a season of prayer, listening...