A Christmas Letter from Rev. Dr. Peter Reid

Dear Friends, As we enter the Advent season, I want to share a reflection on darkness and light. Quite frankly, it’s easy to focus on the darkness around us. In 2022, humanity has experienced its fair share of violence, unrest, famine, floods, drought, and destructive...

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Appealing to CBAC Churches: Hurricane Fiona Disaster Relief

Appealing to CBAC Churches: Hurricane Fiona Disaster Relief

Hurricane Fiona has left some neighbourhoods in Atlantic Canada facing significant needs. We're inviting you to help. Would your church consider collecting a special offering? For Thanksgiving Sunday (or another Sunday that's better for you), we have an invitation for...

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Watch the Oasis 2022 Keynote Messages

Watch the Oasis 2022 Keynote Messages

Oasis 2022 featured messages from our Executive Minister, Rev. Dr. Peter Reid and our keynote speaker, Rev. Dr. Rhonda Britton. Below you can watch their messages. If you'd like to download these messages, we've provided an online form for you. New Epoch – New...

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