- September 17-18, 2018
- Hillside Baptist Church, Moncton, NB
- Cost:
- $40 for individuals ($50 after August 31)
- $65 for couples ($75 after August 31)
- Accommodations: Hampton Inn & suites, Moncton(included in registration)
- Meals: Supper Monday, Breakfast and lunch Tuesday included.
- *churches are encouraged to help with travel expenses. If this is not possible and cost is a problem, please contact Cheryl Ann Beals for assistance 902-830-5929.
Opportunity to…
- Get to know CBAC staff and meet other pastors and spouses.
- Receive ministry tools and information on topics such as:
- Pastor Formation & Wellness
- Pastor Church Relations
- Pastoral Ethics,
- Effective Leadership,
- Things you didn’t learn in seminary
- Benefits information, etc.
Who’s it for?
Pastors and spouses who have never attended the New Pastors Orientation are invited. We welcome those serving in a pastoral role (e.g. a senior/associate/youth pastor/ etc.) in a CBAC church (paid part time or full time) for 5 years or less, graduates who have recently completed divinity training (e.g. M.Div.) and are looking for a position with CBAC, and pastors who have recently moved to CBAC from another convention or denomination.
Comments from past NPO participants:
- A great blessing to attend.
- Great opportunity to learn and meet people.
- Helped me to be able to connect with CBAC staff and some other new pastors in our area.
- A beneficial experience for learning about the vision, goals and resources offered for pastors by the CBAC.
- An excellent opportunity to connect and partner with fellow pastors and CBAC staff.
- It is very helpful to a beginning pastor regardless of age.
- It is a great time to see what CBAC has to offer churches as far as resources goes.
- A great opportunity to connect face-to-face with CBAC staff.
- It is a very good orientation and every new pastor should attend.