Experience Acadia Div

Experience Acadia Div

Experience Acadia Div is our annual open house where we give people like you a chance to see how ADC can equip you to serve. Whether you are sensing a call to full-time Christian ministry, looking to upgrade your training, or are simply interested in taking some...

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Free Money! Why Not Apply?

Free Money! Why Not Apply?

One application is all it takes to be considered for every scholarship at Crandall University! If you were offered $500 or $1000 would you take the offer? Most of us would, but most students miss out when the term scholarship is used. Why? Students think it will take...

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A Brief History of Migration

A Brief History of Migration

Many Atlantic Canadians remain unaware of the buying and selling of human property that took place on these shores during the heyday of slavery. Yet the slave trade was alive and well here, until the early years of the 19th Century. However, the vast majority of Nova...

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A Legacy of Perseverance

A Legacy of Perseverance

In recognition of Black History Month, we'd like to highlight Portia White, an acclaimed international singer from Nova Scotia who lived from 1911 to 1968. Recently, Spatz Theatre, Citadel High School (Halifax, NS) honoured her by unveiling a portrait and naming an...

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New Associate Executive Minister

New Associate Executive Minister

We are excited to announce that Rev. Kevin Vincent has been approved by CABC Council to serve as the new Associate Executive Minister for the CABC. Kevin will direct the Centre for New Congregations (https://atlanticbaptist.ca/three-centres), encouraging and training...

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